How a Pressure Washer Can Save You Time

How a Pressure Washer Can Save You Time

Have you ever done manually scrubbing your driveway, pavement, your porch, patio or just cleaning the walls outside the house? Aside from that physical scrubbing is very tedious and tiresome; it just couldn’t cut the work. That’s why a lot of households, businesses and industries nowadays are using pressure washers. Compared to the ordinary garden hose, the pressure washer is more than a tool; it’s a piece of equipment that at some lever would require users and operators to do a bit of preparation to use in terms of safety and mastery. As described in our previous post, improper use and mishandling of this equipment would result to damage or injury. Although pressure washers are also rated with their cleaning speed (2700 cleaning units to 22500 cleaning units), being able to find out what you want in a pressure washer is what’s important.

First things first, to know how the washer could save you time, is to understand how it works (as in previous posts as well); then knowing on what type of job or application you are to use it. Like in many home or household application, the pressure washer is frequently used for cleaning, either it be a vehicle or a specific area or spot of the house. And often in these kind of works, it would only require them to use cold water and some form of detergent (liquid or powder); and there are available pressure washers with detergent applicators. And with this feature, this will definitely save you time compared to than just using a regular garden hose, manually soaping, physically scrubbing the area, and then rinsing. Not only does it saves you time, it also saves you on resources such as water and detergent because it covers a greater amount of area per gallon than regular washing. Other advantages that the pressure has over regular methods of cleaning is that it enables you to penetrate hard to reach areas such as crevices, cracks in walls, pavements, grille works and other intricately laden surfaces like mosaic tiles; and the cleaning, soaping and scrubbing are all accomplished in one motion with the power washer because it utilizes gas force as it applies both water and detergent.

With regards to the use of pressure washers both in commercial and industrial uses are the extra features that some pressure washers have. Like for some jobs that would require warm and hot water, some units have electric heaters or oil fired burner to produce 80Ës F warm to 180Ës F hot water. This feature is best use in areas exposed to oil, grease and other petroleum based chemicals that would be very hard to remove with conventional washing. Coupled with a good detergent, breaking down these slimy and greasy to remove them from surfaces could be achieve more than half the time faster. There are also available accessories could be adapted to a pressure washer to even further save time are the telescoping wand; to reach high walls and surfaces, and do away with setting up ladders and scaffolds to do the work. The water broom is also a new and nifty piece to add to your pressure washer, equipped with 3 to 4 nozzles and acts very much like a broom, you are sure to cover a greater amount of area to clean in less time. Other specialized accessories like the surface cleaners and wet sand blasters which have special cleaning uses to even save more time.

So using a pressure washer and all it add-on features will definitely save you time. With a little bit of common sense, mixing and matching the right accessories and safety, pressure washing will absolutely save you time…. and money.